"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
- Psalm 19:1
The first steps of any great venture are often the hardest, the scariest and the most uncertain. And yet, they also can be some of the most thrilling, most invigorating and most inspiring. So here we are, two photographers eager to share what we love with the world - creating this website - taking the first step.

The thing we love most about photography is the way it connects us to our creator. We are both followers of Jesus and find complete peace, joy and comfort in His presence in our lives and the promise of eternity. Our faith is what sustains us and inspires us and we hope that in every single photo we take we sing the praises of psalm 19, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." He has created every good and perfect thing and we pray our photography can be a reflection of His goodness and beauty in creation.
Thanks for stopping by and joining us for the journey.
To God be the glory!